A year with the CNRS: A look back at 2021


2021, a year with the CNRS revisits the year’s highlights, including scientific news in France and abroad, innovation and technology transfer, the modernisation of management tools, CNRS investment in HR, and a special feature entitled “The CNRS at the forefront of the national strategy." 

In the aftermath of the health crisis, in which the organisation was involved on all fronts, the CNRS is supporting the country’s economic recovery and competitiveness. As part of its missions, the CNRS is committed to technology transfer, from basic research to breakthrough innovation. It also promotes the growth of companies through job creation, as well as the development of their performance and markets via the creation of start-ups with a high potential for growth, the establishment of joint laboratories with companies, and the scientific steering of France’s Priority Research Programmes and Equipment (PEPR), whether they are exploratory in nature, or in connection with acceleration strategies for industrial sectors. This year also saw the launch of a new award: the Medal for Scientific Mediation. Spearheaded by France’s new Research Programming Law (LPR), it emphasizes the role played by the CNRS in sharing knowledge for the betterment of society, in the context of a health crisis that often challenged scientific discourse and highlighted confusion between opinion and fact. 


 Chiffres clés

RA 2021 dossierRA 2021 ScienceRA 2021 internationalRA 2021 InnovationRA 2021 Ressources


Read 2021, a year with the CNRS