CoNRS - Les missions du Comité national de la recherche scientifique (CoNRS)


The main missions of CoNRS governing bodies are defined in French decree no. 82-993 dated November 24, 1982.

Thanks to the work of its governing bodies which manage around 20,000 files each year, the CoNRS helps define the scientific policy of the CNRS, analyze the current situation and outlook, recruit researchers and promote their careers, as well as monitor research unit activity.


The National Committee has four types of governing bodies (with four-year mandates) and three Coordination Authorities.

Governing bodies :

- The Scientific Board (CS)
- The Institute Scientific Boards (CSI)
- Sections
- Interdisciplinary Commissions (CID)

Coordination authorities :

- The Conference of Presidents of the National Committee (CPCN)
- The Scientific Secretaries Committee (SSC)
- The CoNRS Executive Committee (C3N)