CoNRS - Les commissions interdisciplinaires (CID)

Interdisciplinary commissions

The CoNRS also includes Interdisciplinary Commissions (CIDs), created by ministerial decree, in order to meet the needs of domains covered by several sections or institutes.


There are two types of CIDs, which receive all or part of sections' responsibilities for action areas within their scope.

Themed Interdisciplinary Commissions

These CIDs cover an emerging or interdisciplinary field of knowledge, which has yet to be broken down into sections by theme.
Themed CIDs have the same responsibilities as the sections, and are authorized to:

- act as first phase admission boards for recruiting researchers working in interdisciplinary fields
- jointly evaluate the scientific activity of the researchers it has hired and make recommendations on requests related to their careers
- assess unit projects according to the CNRS priority areas for scientific development
- analyze the scientific situation and its future outlook

Interdisciplinary Research Management Commission

This Commission is responsible for evaluating the researchers who mainly focus on administrative tasks related to research. It is in charge of :

- assessing and promoting researchers
- recruiting Class 2 Senior researchers, as part of acting as first phase admission boards


CIDs meet at least twice a year.
They include 21 members:

- 14 members elected by all research personnel
- 7 members appointed by the French Research Ministry based on the Director General's recommendation

A Bureau is created for each CID, including:

- a President elected by the Scientific Board
- four members: two are elected and two are appointed by the Director of the Institute, and are chosen from CID members.