News round-up
78 results
Neandertal and Denisovan blood groups deciphered
The blood groups of three Neandertal females and one Denisovan female have been determined by a Marseille-based…
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Jebel Sahaba: A succession of violence rather than a prehistoric war
Since the 1960s, the Jebel Sahaba cemetery (Nile Valley, present-day Sudan) has become the emblem of organised warfare…
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Ancient seashell resonates after 18,000 years
Almost 90 years after its discovery, a large shell from the ornate Marsoulas Cave in the Pyrenees has been studied by a multidisciplinary team from…
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New evidence: Neandertals buried their dead
Was burial of the dead practiced by Neandertals or is it an innovation specific to our species? There are indications in favour of the first…
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Wild birds as offerings to the Egyptian gods
Millions of ibis and birds of prey mummies, sacrificed to the Egyptian gods Horus, Ra or Thoth, have been discovered in the necropolises of the Nile…
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