News round-up
236 results
Le Journal
Mosquitoes and their costly sting
While very useful in ecosystems, mosquitoes tend to ruin the lives of humans. A CNRS team has even recently calculated how much these dipterans cost…
Le Journal
Epigenetics in the genes
At a ceremony held in Paris recenlty, the biologist Edith Heard was handed the CNRS Gold Medal, one of the most prestigious French scientific…
New detoxification pathway for mercury in penguins
An international team of scientists led by ESRF and CNRS scientists, the European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France, has found that emperor penguins…
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Le Journal
Mosquitos and their costly sting
While very useful in ecosystems, mosquitos tend to ruin the lives of humans. A CNRS team has even recently calculated how much these dipterans cost…
DNA fishermen
Decoding the genomes of 4,500 marine species is the goal of scientists working on the Atlasea programme. Join them on a fishing expedition in Dinard,…
Halloween, time to choose
Trick or treat? The Haloween spirit is here, with witches and demons, and its more or less frightening bestiary. Never fear !
Le Journal
How speech comes to children
Before going to school to learn how to read and write their language, children first manage to understand and then speak it. How are they able to do…
Le Journal
Why birds do not fall while sleeping
The only permanent bipeds of the animal kingdom alongside humans, birds have an extraordinary sense of balance. How do these direct descendants of…
Le Journal
Was Toumaï a biped?
The fossils of this primate, which were discovered in the early 2000s and date back 7 million years, remain the subject of intense debate, notably as…