© Cyril FRESILLON / SETE / CNRS Photothèque

The 'Traccs' (climate) exploratory PEPR

Climate change has created immense challenges for human societies and their relationship with nature and the environment. The coming decades will be crucial if we are to slow the escalation of climate risks through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and by adapting to effectively deal with current and future impacts.
Climate science researchers are also finding that major technological and scientific progress involving new computing architectures and artificial intelligence techniques are opening up new perspectives for their sciences. The 'Traccs' programme aims to respond to such challenges by transforming climate modelling methods through enhanced knowledge and tools enabling researchers to work more effectively on impacts and risks, develop services in the climate field and thus meet societal expectations.

  • Programme leaders: CNRS, Météo-France
  • Partners: CEA, Sorbonne University, UVSQ-Paris-Saclay University, University of Grenoble-Alpes, Research Institute for Development, Paris-Saclay University, Cerfacs.