The CNRS medal winners for 2023
Find out about all the winners of this year's CNRS medals – from gold to bronze and including the innovation, crystal and scientific mediation medals.
Gold medal
The gold medal is awarded in recognition of the whole body of work of a renowned scientist.
Sandra Lavorel
Innovation medals
The innovation medal honours exceptional research that has led to a significant technological, therapeutic, economic or societal innovation.
- Marc Antonini
- Jacques Gierak
- Claire Hellio
- Patricia Rousselle
Silver medals
The silver medal honours researchers who are already nationally and internationally renowned.
- Sophie Achard
- Jean-Paul Ampuero
- Sabine Barles
- Ludovic Berthier
- Laure Blanc-Féraud
- Sandrine Blazy
- Isabelle Cantat
- Jeanne Crassous
- Julie Déchanet-Merville
- Sabine Fourrier
- Michel Grossetti
- Luba Jurgenson
- Alexander Kuhn
- Alain Lacampagne
- Araceli Lopez-Martens
- Éric Maire
- Tâm Mignot
- Anna Minguzzi
- Ludovic Orlando
- Maria Concepcion Ovin Ania
- Hervé Piégay
- Matthieu Piel
- Bertrand Toën
- Mehrez Zribi
Bronze medals
The bronze medal rewards the first work of researchers who are considered promising in their chosen fields.
- Sophie Abby
- Marine Al Dahdah
- Johnny Samuele Baldi
- Amélie Bernard
- Édouard Bonnet
- Gildas Brégain
- Matthieu Chavent
- Antoine Coulon
- Isabelle Dautriche
- Morgan Delarue
- Javier Fresán
- Clémentine Fritsch
- Marion Garçon
- Anthony Genot
- Anne-Sophie Giraud
- Élise Goujard
- Monica Guica
- Victor Gysembergh
- Fanny Henriet
- Yaovi Holade
- Emmanuelle Jal
- Yvonne Jansen
- Astrid Lamberts
- Silvia Lasala
- Hélène Launay
- Guillaume Lefèvre
- Jonathan Lenoir
- Mathieu Letellier
- Victor Magron
- Claire Monge
- Saikat Nandi
- Maëva Orliac
- Mathilde Paris
- Sylvain Patinet
- Leïla Perié
- Katarzyna Pisanski
- Vivian Poulin-Détolle
- Daniele Preziosi
- Raphaël Rapetti-Mauss
- Ophélie Rillon
- Nicolas Roch
- Amparo Ruiz Carretero
- Nadine Schibille
- Roland Séférian
- Amandine Spire
- Stephan Steinmann
- Dorothea vom Bruch
Crystal medals
The crystal medal is awarded to research support staff.
- Luisa Arrabito
- Marie-Christine Birling
- Patrizia Borghetti
- Isabelle Bualé
- Katia Cargnelli Barral
- Philippe Chaudet
- Clothilde Comby-Zerbino
- Nathalie Cotte
- Blandine de Geyer
- Henri Duvillard
- Éric Eyraud
- Sophie Gaillard
- Sandra Gérard-Loiseau
- Adrien Guénard
- Feriel Hamdi
- Sébastien Janel
- Thierry Legou
- Chantal Lorentz
- Jonathan Martens
- Jean Nabucet
- Corinne Pardo
- Marie Pellen
- Manuel Pelletier
- Yannick Pochon
- Gautier Schrodj
- Martial Séveno
- Laurent Silvera
- Marc Souhaut
- Aline Tridon
- Éric Vigeolas
Collective crystal award
The collective crystal award honours teams of research support staff for their technically outstanding or innovative collective projects.
- The Centre Mersenne for open scientific publishing
- The CNRS managerial skills frame of reference and its initial uses
- Social atlases and digital research promotion
- E-learning module on auditable service pricing
- C2N: from construction to transfer to operational commissioning
- OMEGA - Direct research support
- EcoInfo, a collective adventure for sustainable digital development
- ERC GreenLight
- Restoration and enhancement of the MNHN-MCAM chemistry collections room
- IMGT, an international immunogenetics information system
- The transformation of the Île-de-France Villejuif regional office's partnership and technology transfer department into an innovation management department
- The National Laboratory for Cosmogenic Nucleides (LN2C)
Scientific mediation medals
The scientific mediation medal rewards scientists and research support staff for their outreach work in promoting science within society, whether it is one-off or long-term, personal or collective.
- Wiebke Drenckhan
- David Louapre
- The ' MATh.en.JEANS' association
- The book 'Tout comprendre (ou presque) sur le climat' (Understanding (almost) everything about the climate)
- Criminocorpus