News round-up
793 results
The CNRS launches its alumni network
The CNRS has just established an alumni network.It is open to all those who have worked at the CNRS.CNRS alumni aims to develop ties between the…
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AI and the media: Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes, with the ANR funding, create a joint laboratory
Ouest-France, CNRS and the University of Rennes, with the French National Research Agency funding, are launching the first joint laboratory (“LabCom”…
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New detoxification pathway for mercury in penguins
An international team of scientists led by ESRF and CNRS scientists, the European Synchrotron, Grenoble, France, has found that emperor penguins…
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1,100 km in Antarctica to better understand the evolution of the ice cap
The physical processes behind cloud formation and snow precipitation above the Antarctic ice cap remain poorly understood. Co-directed by the…
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H.E.S.S. collaboration detects the most energetic cosmic-ray electrons and positrons ever observed
H.E.S.S. operates a five-telescope site in Namibia for the study of cosmic-ray sources emitting high-energy gamma rays. The main contributors…
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France 2030: the CNRS and Inserm have launched a programme to understand how cells choose their fate and sometimes go awry
A human organism consists of more than 35 000 billion cells, all of which come from a single initial cell. This cell multiplies, with each of its…
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