@ Cyril Frésillon

Julien BobroffSharing physics differently

CNRS Scientific Mediation

"I aim to renew the image of physics with a broad audience, to present recent research, and to discuss how science is conducted," explains Julien Bobroff. His favourite subject is quantum physics. A professor at l'Université Paris-Saclay and a researcher at the Laboratory of Solid-State Physics1 , in 2013 he founded the La Physique Autrement (Physics Differently) team, where he develops original collaborations with designers and creators of all kinds. He has already co-created nearly 300 projects that are available to the public, including confinement conferences, a levitating mini circus, quantum landscapes, the world's coldest book, and 61 ways to measure a building's height with a smartphone. "I like exploring new tools that bring even the most abstract physics within everyone's reach!" points out Bobroff. Unanimously recognized as an essential actor in the scientific mediation of physics, he is also actively engaged with researchers on these subjects, applying the results to his own teaching and diffusing them to the research community.

  • 1CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay