News round-up
1084 results
"We often talk about 'interdisciplinarity' in the singular but in fact it should be 'interdisciplinarities' in the plural"
The start of the 2024 academic year was marked by two major conferences on interdisciplinarity. Martina Knoop, the director of the CNRS's Mission for…
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The CNRS makes its second carbon footprint assessment
Following the CNRS's first carbon footprint assessment for 2019, the organisation has now published its second carbon audit for 2022. The latest…
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Le Journal
Infrasound, sound waves that nothing can stop
What do a wind turbine, an ocean swell, and a volcanic eruption have in common? All three emit infrasound, or sound whose frequency is below 20 hertz…
The origin of most meteorites finally revealed
Understanding where shooting stars and meteorites come from is a question that scientists have been trying to answer since ancient times.Until…
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Le Journal
How to speak to extraterrestrials?
Interview with the linguist Frédéric Landragin, who recently published a short guide on interstellar communication.
Le Journal
Why birds do not fall while sleeping
The only permanent bipeds of the animal kingdom alongside humans, birds have an extraordinary sense of balance. How do these direct descendants of…
Le Journal
Breathing life back into Antiquity
Cities, landscapes, monuments, even human figures: the watercolours of the architect and archaeologist Jean-Claude Golvin are an invitation to…
Le Journal
Was Toumaï a biped?
The fossils of this primate, which were discovered in the early 2000s and date back 7 million years, remain the subject of intense debate, notably as…
Le Journal
Cultural property on the path to restitution
With the release of the documentary film Dahomey, which follows France’s restitution of twenty-six works of art to Benin, various research teams…
The CNRS is defending the future of astronomy to the European Union
The European Commission's recent work on new space legislation is an opportunity for the CNRS to defend the importance of preserving space research…
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