Fabrizio D’OrtenzioCoordinator of the Omer Research Network
Fabrizio D'Ortenzio is an oceanographer working at the Laboratoire d'océanographie de Villefranche (CNRS/Sorbonne University) and has coordinated the Omer Research Network since 2020. He is a trained physicist whose work focuses on the interactions between ocean dynamics and marine biogeochemistry, particularly the role played by phytoplankton in the global carbon cycle. Fabrizio D'Ortenzio has worked on over 30 oceanographic campaigns and is thus greatly involved in observational studies of the marine environment - from the open ocean to coastal areas. In the last ten years, he has worked on the construction and development of major ocean research infrastructures like Argo (a flotilla of robotic instrumentation that takes samples of oceans worldwide). He co-directs the ALLENVI alliance's working group on 'Oceans'. He is also the CNRS's National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy's (INSU) Scientific Officer for the ocean-atmosphere field and is in charge of the national and international structuring of oceanography research communities.
A concentration of interdisciplinary and multi-organisation scientific expertise: the Omer Research Network
The Omer Research Network was launched in 2021 for a five-year period and works with a highly multidisciplinary approach to the world's oceans. It is supported by the CNRS Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary Initiatives (MITI). Its aims are to provide responses to the need to understand and characterise the ocean and to anticipate and support the changes oceans are facing in today's world. This group is made up of over 1300 scientists from all disciplines working alongside members from industry, journalists, NGO personnel and even artists on research into issues that are essential to understanding the ocean system.
This Research Network initially focused on 4 main themes:
- Theme 1: Perceptions and representations of oceans, their potential for inspiration and innovation and their heritage value
- Theme 2: The characterisation and diagnosis of marine systems
- Theme 3: Local and global integrated modelling of oceans and their evolution: what is missing?
- Theme 4: The conservation, preservation and sustainable management of marine socio-ecosystems